Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Colour Connotation
I have chosen this Glamour magazine because it has got a blue background this stimulates that it increases calmness, peace, love, honesty, kindness, truth inner peace, emotional depth and devotion. Also some of the writing is in red and that stimulates that it increases physical energy, vitality, stamina,ground, spontaneity, stabability and passion.
I have chosen this health magazine because the background is green and that stimulates that it supports balance, harmony, love , communication, social, nature and acceptance.The title of the magazine is "Natural Health"this is in yellow and it blends in with the other colours such as brown and white.

I have chosen this magazine because the celebrity is wearing orange and that stimulates creativity,productivity, pleasure, optimism, enthusiasm and emotional expression.Also the colour orange blends in with the background.Also the blue writing which says hair stimulates that it increases calmness, peace, love, honesty, kindness, truth, inner peace, emotional depth and devotion


Really good piece of work with the right amount of detail and analysis. Well Done.

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

10 magazine Titles & 10 cover lines

Show your weakness

Shine bright like a diamond

-Star quality.
Show your star quality

Get attractive


Share your glory

Get appealing

You will be Glamourable in a flash

Look good for next summer

Time is money